Entries from December 2021

How To Interpret The Httpful\Response Object

Author: , December 10th, 2021

I use the httpful library from https://phphttpclient.com The website has not defined the Httpful\Response keys anyplace easy to find, so I have documented them here:

How To Block Email Using Subject Headers In Postfix

Author: , December 7th, 2021

I needed to block email based on the Subject header. The solution is simple: Edit main.cf as root and uncomment or add:

Next, creaate or edit /etc/postfix/header_checks as root and add the following line:

Finally, run sudo postfix reload NOTE: Do NOT add the “i” after the regular expression! It is case-insensitive by […]

How To Enable Focus Follows Mouse On MacOS

Author: , December 2nd, 2021

Use AutoRaise! From the docs: “When you hover a window it will be raised to the front (with a delay of your choosing) and gets the focus.” Web page: https://github.com/sbmpost/AutoRaise Download: https://github.com/sbmpost/AutoRaise/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

My ~/.AutoRaise file: