How To Patch the ShellShock bash Bug on Older or Beta AWS Linux AMI’s

Author: , October 1st, 2014

This is the standard upgrade method for AWS Linux AMI’s:

Or use this for the version 2012.09, 2012.03, or 2011.09 repositories:

For older AWS Linux AMI’s, you may not be able to use the standard upgrade method as described in this link: These are the steps needed to manually patch bash 4.1: […]

How To Fix Broken Boot After Yum Update On Amazon Linux

Author: , January 20th, 2012

Stop the instance first…YMMV:

How To Create A New AWS Instance From A Snapshot

Author: , August 16th, 2011

Be sure to create regular snapshots of your running instances. If you lose an instance, recover quickly with this procedure. I suggest that you use Elastic IP addresses to make the migration DNS-free. STEP 1: First, setup your environment properly

STEP 2: Create an AMI linked to the snapshot % ec2-register -n YOUR-AMI-NAME -d […]

How to Add EPEL Repo to Amazon Linux AMI for Yum

Author: , November 30th, 2010

UPDATE: From the AWS FAQ: How do I enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository? Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo, look under the section marked [epel], and change enabled=0 to enabled=1. To temporarily enable the EPEL 6 repository, use the yum command line option –enablerepo=epel.