How To Fix Mouse Scrolls the Command Line History Instead of the Window Buffer in Terminal

Author: , May 23rd, 2023

In the macOS Terminal, my mouse scroll wheel would magically start scrolling the command line history instead of the window buffer scroll bar on the right to show window history. This happened when an SSH session was disconnected or timed out. The fix is to run the reset command.

How To Enable Focus Follows Mouse On MacOS

Author: , December 2nd, 2021

Use AutoRaise! From the docs: “When you hover a window it will be raised to the front (with a delay of your choosing) and gets the focus.” Web page: Download:

My ~/.AutoRaise file:

How To Disable VIM Mouse Automatic Visual Mode

Author: , July 27th, 2021

Current Session:

All Sessions: Add the following to your ~/.vimrc file:

How To Find the Grab Hand Move Tool in Preview

Author: , April 11th, 2017

Press Option+Space and the cursor will change to the grab hand move tool. Roll your mouse wheel for vertical scrolling, hold down shift to switch to horizontal scroll mode.

How To Change The Mouse Pointer With CSS

Author: , September 4th, 2010

In your stylesheet, use: [code]cursor: {value}[/code] Replace {value} with one of the following names (in bold): (Hover over each name in bold to see an example of the mouse pointer…) pointer – The hand icon usually used when hovering over an HTML link help – A question mark text – Shows the text-select (“I”-shape) icon […]