How To Empty the Email Queue in Postfix

Author: , July 11th, 2013

postsuper -d ALL

How To Update the Postfix Virtual Table

Author: , May 18th, 2013

How To Delete a Single Deferred Email in Postfix

Author: , January 6th, 2013

To view the Postfix deferred queue: postqueue -p To view a specific email: postcat -q {Queue ID} To delete a specific email: postsuper -d {Queue ID} Example of viewing the deferred queue and deleting a message: # postqueue -p -Queue ID- –Size– —-Arrival Time—- -Sender/Recipient——- E15B9FC221 11627 Sun Jan 6 16:47:29 MAILER-DAEMON (connect to[]: […]

How To Use Sender-Based Routing In Postfix With AWS SES

Author: , November 6th, 2011

NOTE: This procedure requires Postfix version 2.7 or greater! Create or edit the following three files: /etc/postfix/


/etc/postfix/sender_dependent_default_transport_maps aws-email: aws-email: Verify the credentials are in place and have the correct ownership and permissions:

Compile the new map and reload postfix.

How To Upgrade Postfix On CentOS / AWS Linux

Author: , November 6th, 2011


For 32-bit (i386 or i686)

For 64-bit (x86_64)

For all..

Note: the following files or directories still exist but are no longer part of Postfix and can be deleted:

Resources Original post by Steve Jenkins:

How To Block/Reject Email From Or To A Specific Address Using Postfix On CentOS

Author: , June 3rd, 2011

By default, the Postfix SMTP server accepts any sender address. You block email addresses using the sender_access file:

How To Manage Email Aliases In PostFix

Author: , March 3rd, 2011

Edit the aliases configuation file: # vim /etc/aliases Regenerate your aliases database file: # newaliases Reload postfix: # postfix reload

How To Enable TLS/SSL Encryption In Postfix (smtpd)

Author: , December 17th, 2010

Below info copied from Verify that the correct libraries have been linked in: # ldd /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd You should see the following: smtpd: => /usr/local/lib/ (0x28096000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x280aa000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x280db000) If you see libsasl2, libssl, and libcrypto, congratulations — the server is ready to support SASL and TLS. Generate an […]

How To Enable SASL Authenticated Email Relay In Postfix

Author: , December 17th, 2010

Below info copied from Make sure saslauthd is running first. Edit /etc/postfix/ smtpd_sasl_type = cyrus smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated {other options that were already there} # postfix reload To test (you supply the items in bold): % telnet 25 … 220 […]

How To Reject By Email Address In Postfix

Author: , December 17th, 2010

Edit /etc/postfix/access and add entries like: 550 No such user here Then run the following command: postmap /etc/postfix/access Edit /etc/postfix/ smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/access, {any other options already there…} Then run the following command: postfix reload