How To Force csshX To Tile In Columns

Author: , May 28th, 2019

I use csshX on a daily basis. The default layout on my screen for three nodes is one column with three rows, one per node. This layout is excellent for visual positioning, but does make it harder to read long output. For this purpose, I start csshX using the column quantity specifier -x and I […]

How To Select the Max Numeric in a Varchar Column in MySQL

Author: , October 2nd, 2015

I needed to automate the addition of new users with a sequential member’s ID in WordPress. Additionally, there were non-numeric entries in that column that had to be ignored. The wp_users.user_login column is a varchar(60) and so does not naturally handle numeric operations well at all. The solution is a combination of REGEXP and cast(): […]

How To Use DBIx::SQLEngine To Get A Count

Author: , May 11th, 2011