How To Fix “IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes” When Running the aws CLI Command from Perl WWW-REST-Apid

Author: , December 3rd, 2020

Problem While running the aws cli command from a Perl async command inside apid, I go the following error:

Solution The issue turned out to be a bug in Python2.7, so I upgraded to Python3.4, then uninstalled and re-installed the aws cli software so that it used the proper Python34 version. Procedure […]

How To Properly Specify Command and Arguments to Exec in Perl

Author: , December 11th, 2019

When using Perl’s exec() call, the best way to invoke it is as follows:

This syntax does some important things: – passes a scalar value as the first argument which exec interprets as PROGRAM – passes an array as the second argument which exec will use as the arguments to pass into PROGRAM Note […]

How To Show All Files in MacOSX Yosemite via Terminal

Author: , October 29th, 2014

SET THE DEFAULT TO SHOW Run this command in a Terminal window: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Relaunch Finder: Hold down the Option/ALT key on your keyboard, then right-click the Finder icon in the dock and select Relaunch. SET THE DEFAULT TO HIDE defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO then relaunch finder as above.