How To Extract Time Machine Logs Via Terminal

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clear; printf '\e[3J' && log show --predicate 'subsystem == ""' --info --last 24h | grep -F 'eMac' | grep -Fv 'etat' | awk -F']' '{print substr($0,1,19), $NF}' |
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clear; printf '\e[3J' && log show --predicate 'subsystem == ""' --info --last 24h | grep -F 'eMac' | grep -Fv 'etat' | awk -F']' '{print substr($0,1,19), $NF}' |
Where are the logs for a Tungsten Cluster and which are the proper log files to monitor if I do a master role switch to another node?
Requires Python! Scalp Home Download Scalp: Backup Link: Original (Broken) XML Rules File: Fixed XML Rules File: To Fix the XML file: Replace: (?:all|distinct|[(!@]*)? with (?:all|distinct|[(!@]+)? and: (?i:(\%SYSTEMROOT\%)) with (?:(\%[sS][yY][sS][tT][eE][mM][rR][oO][oO][tT]\%)) Examples:
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./ -f ./default_filter.xml -o ./scalp-output -l /var/log/httpd_log --html ./ -f ./default_filter.xml -o . -l /var/www/cust1/logs/access.log.1440892800 |
Current options: exhaustive: Won’t stop at the first pattern matched, but will test all the patterns tough: Will […]