How To Use AWS SES With Sendmail In CentOS/Amazon Linux

Author: , October 31st, 2011

Here are the Amazon docs: Edit and generate a new

/etc/mail/mailertable .{TAB}aws-email:%0 Replace the {TAB} with an actual tab character, and the last character is a zero. /etc/mail/ Change: DAEMON_OPTIONS(Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA’)dnl To: dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA’)dnl Please note above the space after the leading ‘dnl’ and that there is a trailing ‘dnl’ […]

How To Configure AWS SES Perl Scripts

Author: , October 27th, 2011

Your mileage may vary widely…



For all OS

How To Use AWS Simple Email Services With PHP

Author: , October 24th, 2011

Easy Install Of AWS SES PHP SDK

Adding Channel “” succeeded Discovery of channel “” succeeded

downloading sdk-1.4.5.tgz … Starting to download sdk-1.4.5.tgz (1,992,454 bytes) ………….done: 1,992,454 bytes install ok: channel:// PHP Configuration

Copy the contents of and add your credentials as instructed in the file. Move your file to ~/.aws/sdk/ […]