MacOSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard running on a Mac Pro 2009 8-way After a system crash, using the backup drive, this error started to appear: dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache To fix it, execute the following in Terminal: sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force As always, YMMV!
Some actions taken while the account “iCloud” was offline could not be completed online. Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions when online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox “Recovered Messages (iCloud)” in “On My Mac” so that you can complete the actions when online. Step 1. […]
As of XCode 4, Apple no longer supplies the Property List Editor application with its developer tools. Here is how to get it back: Step 1 Get your copy of Snow Leopard, either on disc or in disk image format. Insert disk or mount disk image. Step 2 Download Pacifist, an application which allows you […]
Quit Safari and move the following files to the Desktop for safe-keeping, then restart Safari. ~/Library/Caches/ ~/Library/Preferences/ Lion Hint: To find the Home folder in OS X Lion, open the Finder, hold down the Option key, and choose Go > Library
In the Terminal application, type the following: sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/ Then, click on an empty spot on your desktop – NOT in an existing Finder window. Now, type Command-N or select New Finder Window from the File menu. To end your root Finder session, type ^C in the Terminal window. Notes: You won’t be able to […]
More on the Safari saga… more crashing led me to do more direct research into the actual crash report. It was there I found references to the APE or Application Enhancer software. My next step was to add Safari to the Master Exclude list in APE. That seems to have helped. Safari has not crashed […]
Snow Leopard 10.6.4 broke GPGMail (again!). Fortunately, our intrepid developers have released a new, working version. Here is a link to it (no promises): Once you have it, check in the “{Your_Home_Directory}/Library/Mail/Bundles” and “/Library/Mail/Bundles” folders. You will need to Right-Click and choose “Show Package Contents”. Then replace the “GPGMail.mailbundle” file with the new one […]
Summary: [code lang=”shell”] new-host-4:~ root# scutil –set HostName trade1 new-host-4:~ root# exit (New Terminal Window…) trade1:~ root# [/code] Detail The scutil command manages system configuration parameters. Specific to this how-to are: ComputerName AppleTalk Name, SharingPrefPane, “Computer Name” LocalHostName ‘DNS’ name, how to get to a computer on a network by hostname, the ‘Edit’ button in […]
My Verizon Wireless Broadband USB727 Modem was not being automatically recognized by Snow Leopard and the WWAN status icon was not appearing on the top menu bar. For me, the fix was to simply delete these two directories, then reboot…YMMV! /System/Library/Extensions/NovatelWireless3G.kext /System/Library/Extensions/NovatelWirelessFilter.kext