All credit to Graham Walters for this excellent plugin and post, upon which this post is based – thank you, sir! Recently, a client was having problems using a plugin called by a shortcode. As it turned out, the JavaScript embedded in the returned content was being broken by the WordPress auto-paragraph feature known […]
I am tired of various programs taking control of my webcam, i.e. Skype, GoToMeeting and others… After searching for a while I found the following website with two awesome Applescripts, one for Snow Leopard and one for Lion. Open the script in the Applescript Editor, and do a Save As. Choose Application and save someplace […]
To turn off Sort completely, use the ‘bSort’: false option. To have sorting turned off to begin with, but the user can still click on the columns to sort, use the ‘aaSorting’: [] (i.e. empty array) option. Happy Coding!