R.I.P. Dennis Ritchie, 1941 – 2011

Author: , October 13th, 2011

Dennis Ritchie was the co-creator of Unix and the creator of the C Programming Language. This makes him a founding father of modern computing. While Steve Jobs made technology sexy for the masses, it was Dennis Ritchie (along with others) who created the core technologies that computing and the Internet are based upon. It is […]

How To Sync the Date and Time Between Servers

Author: , July 29th, 2010

Extremely simple way to set the date and time the same as another server: (Requires SSH access to the server that has the time you want to copy; does NOT have to be root access) [code]root@host# date ssh user@timehost date "+%Y%m%d%H%M.%S"[/code]

How To Filter Blank Lines With GREP

Author: , May 23rd, 2010

[code] # filter blank lines grep -hv "^$" * # filter blank lines and comments grep -hv ‘^#’ * | grep -hv "^$" # filter blank lines, and comments, then count number of lines grep -hv ‘^#’ * | grep -hv "^$" | wc -l [/code] Note – using FreeBSD’s version of grep. The “-h” […]

How to Convert DOS Line Breaks to UNIX in VIM

Author: , September 29th, 2009