Wonderful Again

Author: , June 12th, 2011

Thanks AGAIN to Elements and my awesome wife for a lovely brunch!

Wonderful Tonight

Author: , June 11th, 2011

Many thanks to Elements and my wife for a fine dinner.

I Love Naomi

Author: , June 11th, 2011

Power Lost, So Was Dinner

Author: , May 28th, 2011

We lost power just as Naomi was in the middle of preparing filets in the convection oven. Given the heat level outside, we chose to not turn on the oven to finish them, hoping the power would be restored quickly. It was not. Ouch. We are just so darn dependent upon electricity. Fortunately for us, […]

A Saturday in May

Author: , May 14th, 2011

Making progress on the new site for a client… but been spending way too much time working. Need to rest today, going to try to spend some quality time with my awesome wife, who I have been neglecting.

I Love Naomi

Author: , May 12th, 2011


Author: , February 10th, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snooooow

Author: , January 26th, 2011

We have at least 5-6 inches already. All of the big storms which have dumped so much snow on everyone else sort of passed us by and we got inches to other people’s feet of snow. Today may make up for all of that disappointment. Outside the snow is falling heavily, and is predicted to […]

More Snow Means More Naomi

Author: , January 20th, 2011

Snow is coming tonight. That means that my lovely wife will be working from home tomorrow..that makes me very happy! The client migration is tomorrow night, so I am swamped with last-minute tasks. There are many cool API’s for AWS, including the ability to attach to and detach from a virtual load balancer from the […]

I Love Naomi

Author: , December 30th, 2010

Fortunately for me, I have the most wonderful wife in the world. She is able to provide comfort without smothering, intelligent insight, and most of all, she loves me for who I am.