Published Date Author: , Posted November 9th, 2010 at 10:22:04am

Back in NYC, that is. Have a short gig at B&H, as well as a lunch meeting with a potential client.

I am so happy to be sitting in the little coffee shop I used to go to all the time. It has been almost two years and they still recognized and welcomed me back. I have a good half an hour to kill before I meet with Moses from TGIX before going into B&H.

So I have the new 13″ MacBook Air with my Verizon Broadband going. I do not trust the public WiFi networks, so I carry my own! I even make sure to turn off my WiFi when in NYC.

This thing is a dream to carry, and is FAST, FAST FAST! An excellent companion. Much easier than lugging the portable desktop, the MacBook Pro 17″. I love my MacBook Pro, but it is very cumbersome to carry and find a place to setup. This 13″ unit fits fine on the tiny cafe table here.

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