Entries Categorized as 'Politics'
erics, July 8th, 2012
Another in a long line of betrayals, the Obamacare program boosts taxes and reduces your ability to take care of your family, to the tune of $250 BILLION over the next ten years. How nice of Obama and his cronies to steal that much money ($25 billion per year) from the American public: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/07/05/five-major-obamacare-taxes-that-will-hit-your-wallet-in-2013/?intcmp=obnetwork Below […]
Categories: Health Issues, Politics, Rants Tags: Health Care, Obamacare, Taxes
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erics, July 4th, 2012
http://www.extremetech.com/computing/132142-ciscos-cloud-vision-mandatory-monetized-and-killed-at-their-discretion This is REALLY SCARY! Cisco has started to auto-upgrade Linksys router firmware, forcing users to sign up for the Cisco “cloud” service. Cisco further states that they have the right to upgrade your router firmware whenever they wish: In some cases, in order to provide an optimal experience on your home network, some updates […]
Categories: Politics, Rants, Technology Tags: Big Brother, Cisco, Linksys
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erics, April 7th, 2012
Categories: Politics, Rants Tags: Politics
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erics, March 27th, 2012
Justice? How can we have justice via trial-by-media and without all of the facts? In the USA, we are supposed to be “innocent until proven guilty”. The family displays just more pathetic posturing and appears to be looking to make money from the shooting already: “Monday, an attorney for Martin’s mother confirmed that she filed […]
Categories: Politics, Rants Tags:
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erics, February 12th, 2012
Is there anything the current administration can do right? I do not think so… Here is an enlightening article about how the spin doctors under the rule of King Obama make the employment numbers look better than they really are: http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2012/02/09/dont-be-fooled-the-obama-unemployment-rate-is-11/
Categories: Politics, Rants Tags: employment, Finance, Money, Politics, Unemployment
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erics, November 20th, 2011
For decades I have dreamed of real, lasting, non-violent positive change, only to watch our country and the world at large appear to come apart at the seams these past years. All along, I have felt powerless to effect positive change, that there was no clear path to the correct goal. Until now… Please go […]
Categories: Philosophy, Politics, Rants Tags: 99, 99 Percent, 99 Percent Declaration, NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Politics, Positive Change
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erics, July 26th, 2011
Six MONTHS in jail for a person who handed out LEAFLETS…WTF?!?!? Mark Schmidter, a 64-year-old roofing contractor, was found guilty of two counts of indirect criminal contempt for handing out leaflets on June 29 seeking to sway members of juries and for doing so outside of specially marked “free speech zones” created for Anthony protesters […]
Categories: Politics, Rants Tags: Judge, Law, Leaflet, Legal, WRONG
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erics, July 24th, 2011
I cannot understand where this month went. Just trying to do too much in an effort to survive. Am pursuing some sales leads that look promising and have existing client projects that are coming along well. Simply MUST FINISH them! These are not easy times for this country, except for those in power who get […]
Categories: Business, Politics, Rants, Wyzaerd Tags: Clients, Finance, Money, Politics, Projects, Survival, time, Welfare
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erics, July 2nd, 2011
Welcome to the FREEDOM OF AMERICA…Happy July 4th, everyone! Here is another FINE example of “freedom” in the US of A: Recently, the judge in the Casey Anthony murder trial sentenced a spectator to 6 DAYS IN JAIL for giving the finger to someone on the witness stand. In my opinion, this judge is abusing […]
Categories: Philosophy, Politics, Rants Tags: Judge, The Finger
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erics, November 3rd, 2010
I must admit to being very disappointed upon reading the news that Proposition 19 in CA had failed to pass. That should have been a legal turning point for cannabis in the USA. Unfortunately, the voting public is not mature enough to see the benefits of legalization.
Categories: Politics Tags: Cannabis, Legalization, Marijuana, Proposition 19
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