erics, December 11th, 2011
Things sure have been busy! Multiple client projects in parallel always seem to make time go faster. Now that two different websites have been launched, things should calm down a tad. The concept of having weekends off for a while is very attractive. I realized recently that the consulting business has been a crazy ride […]
Categories: Business, Personal, Rants Tags: Business, Cash flow, Clients, Consulting, employment, Full-time, time, Weekends, work
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erics, July 24th, 2011
I cannot understand where this month went. Just trying to do too much in an effort to survive. Am pursuing some sales leads that look promising and have existing client projects that are coming along well. Simply MUST FINISH them! These are not easy times for this country, except for those in power who get […]
Categories: Business, Politics, Rants, Wyzaerd Tags: Clients, Finance, Money, Politics, Projects, Survival, time, Welfare
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