Entries Categorized as 'Architecture'
erics, September 26th, 2019
Make It Faster: Improving MySQL Write Performance for Tungsten Cluster Slaves
Categories: Architecture, cctrl, Composite, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Question Tags: HA, mysql, Performance, Performance Tuning, QA, Shell, Tungsten
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erics, August 26th, 2019
Zero-Downtime Cluster Maintenance: Comparing the Procedures for Upgrades versus DB/OS Maintenance
Categories: Architecture, cctrl, Composite, Datasource, Downtime, Maintenance, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Question, Shun, Zero-Downtime Tags: Command, HA, Master, mysql, QA, recover, Shell, Slave, Switch, Tungsten, welcome, Zero
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erics, July 25th, 2019
How to move the Relay role to another node in a Composite Tungsten Cluster
Categories: Architecture, cctrl, cls, Composite, Datasource, failover, Maintenance, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Question Tags: Automatic, Command, HA, High Availability, Master, Move, mysql, QA, Relay, Replicator, Shell, Slave, Switch, Tungsten
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erics, June 18th, 2019
This blog is about configuring Tungsten for PCI compliance.
Categories: Architecture, Compliance, Connector, IP Address, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, PCI, Tungsten Connector Tags: HA, High Availability, mysql, Tungsten
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erics, June 14th, 2019
Overview The Skinny In this blog post we will discuss how to use the Tungsten Connector keep-alive feature to ensure long-running MySQL & MariaDB/Percona Server client sessions stay connected in a Tungsten Cluster. Agenda What’s Here? Briefly explore how the Tungsten Connector works Describe the Connector keep-alives – what are they and why do we […]
Categories: Architecture, Bridge, Bridge mode, Connection, Connector, Intelligent, Keep-Alive, Load Balancing, Long, Long-Running, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Multisite, SmartScale, Tungsten Connector Tags: HA, High Availability, Jobs, Keepalive, mysql, proxy, Session, TCP, Tungsten
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erics, May 24th, 2019
The Question Recently, a customer asked us: What is the meaning of this error message found in trepsvc.log? 2019/05/14 01:48:04.973 | mysql02.prod.example.com | [east – binlog-to-q-0] INFO pipeline.SingleThreadStageTask Performing rollback of possible partial transaction: seqno=(unavailable) Simple Overview The Skinny This message is an indication that we are dropping any uncommitted or incomplete data read from […]
Categories: Architecture, Mastering Tungsten Replicator, Multimaster, Multisite Tags: HA, High Availability, monitoring, mysql, nagios, NRPE
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erics, May 22nd, 2019
Overview The Skinny In this blog post we will discuss how the managed cross-site replication streams work in a Composite Multi-Master Tungsten Cluster for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server. Agenda What’s Here? Briefly explore how managed cross-site replication works in a Tungsten Composite Multi-Master Cluster Describe the reasons why the default design was chosen Explain […]
Categories: Architecture, CMM, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, MSMM, Multi Master, Multimaster, Multisite, Site, v6 Tags: cross, cross-site, HA, High Availability, monitoring, mysql, Replication
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erics, May 21st, 2019
The Question Recently, a customer asked us: Why would Tungsten Replicator be slow to apply to MySQL? The Answer Performance Tuning 101 When you run trepctl status and see: appliedLatency : 7332.394 like this on a slave, it is almost always due to the inability for the target database to keep up with the applier. […]
Categories: Architecture, Mastering Tungsten Replicator, Multimaster, Multisite Tags: HA, High Availability, monitoring, mysql, nagios, NRPE
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erics, May 7th, 2019
The Question Recently, a customer asked us: If we move to using the INI configuration method instead of staging, would password-less SSH still be required? The Answer The answer is both “Yes” and “No” No, for installation and updates/upgrades specifically. Since INI-based configurations force the tpm command to act upon the local host only for […]
Categories: Architecture, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Multimaster, Multisite Tags: HA, High Availability, monitoring, mysql, nagios, NRPE
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erics, April 23rd, 2019
Overview The Skinny In this blog post we will discuss how to best integrate various Continuent-bundled cluster monitoring solutions with PagerDuty (pagerduty.com), a popular alerting service. Agenda What’s Here? Briefly explore the bundled cluster monitoring tools Describe the procedure for establishing alerting via PagerDuty Examine some of the multiple monitoring tools included with the Continuent […]
Categories: Architecture, Mastering Tungsten Clustering, Multimaster, Multisite Tags: HA, High Availability, monitoring, mysql, nagios, NRPE
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