How To Fix Mouse Scrolls the Command Line History Instead of the Window Buffer in Terminal

Author: , May 23rd, 2023

In the macOS Terminal, my mouse scroll wheel would magically start scrolling the command line history instead of the window buffer scroll bar on the right to show window history. This happened when an SSH session was disconnected or timed out. The fix is to run the reset command.

How To Preserve Quotes In Bash Arguments

Author: , April 18th, 2022

If you want to preserve quoting to pass shell arguments to a called command, use the four characters “$@” (including the double quotes) instead of the two characters $*

How To Restart a Hung Top Menu Bar in MacOS

Author: , April 23rd, 2021

Ever get the spinning beachball when trying to access the top menu on your Mac? SOLUTIONS Use the GUI Open the Activity Monitor application Select All Processes from the View menu Click on the SystemUIServer process, then click Force Quit. ~or~ Via CLI In Terminal, execute killall SystemUIServer

How To Login To A Docker Container Shell

Author: , February 15th, 2021

First, get the container ID using docker ps:

Now run docker exec -it {ContainerID} /bin/bash:

You can make a simple shell script to ease typing a bit:

How To Extract Time Machine Logs Via Terminal

Author: , November 2nd, 2020

How To Properly Specify Command and Arguments to Exec in Perl

Author: , December 11th, 2019

When using Perl’s exec() call, the best way to invoke it is as follows:

This syntax does some important things: – passes a scalar value as the first argument which exec interprets as PROGRAM – passes an array as the second argument which exec will use as the arguments to pass into PROGRAM Note […]

Make It Faster: Improving MySQL Write Performance for Tungsten Cluster Slaves

Author: , September 26th, 2019

Make It Faster: Improving MySQL Write Performance for Tungsten Cluster Slaves

Zero-Downtime Cluster Maintenance: Comparing the Procedures for Upgrades versus DB/OS Maintenance

Author: , August 26th, 2019

Zero-Downtime Cluster Maintenance: Comparing the Procedures for Upgrades versus DB/OS Maintenance

How to move the Relay role to another node in a Composite Tungsten Cluster

Author: , July 25th, 2019

How to move the Relay role to another node in a Composite Tungsten Cluster

How To Disable Adobe Daemons Using launchctl on MacOS

Author: , November 18th, 2018

I installed an old version of Adobe software on my new Mac and as usual, it installed some daemons that are undesirable. Here is how I got rid of them via the Terminal. Note: Adobe installs daemons in the user context, so do this as your regular user login, not as root. shell> launchctl list […]