How To Disable All Automatic WordPress Updates

Author: , April 22nd, 2024

To disable all automatic WordPress updates, just edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following line ABOVE that line, then save and exit:

How To Disable Automatic Updates in WordPress

Author: , September 19th, 2022

To disable automatic updates in WordPress, simply edit the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory and add the following line:

How To Disable Email Bounce Messages In Postfix

Author: , March 18th, 2022

How To Disable VIM Mouse Automatic Visual Mode

Author: , July 27th, 2021

Current Session:

All Sessions: Add the following to your ~/.vimrc file:

How To Prevent Spotlight From Indexing External Drives on MacOS

Author: , February 26th, 2021

On MacOSX 10.10.5 Yosemite, I was having trouble with Spotlight preventing the clean eject of an attached hard drive. Using the fuser command allowed me to see that it what the Spotlight-specific mds process preventing the eject.

At first, I tried to disable the indexing via the mdutil command, but that just gave me […]

How To Disable Automatic Comment Insertion In VIM

Author: , August 6th, 2020

Disable NOW in vim:

To disable auto-comments permanently, add the following line to ~/.vimrc:

To see the current settings:

Visit for more information!

How To Disable WordPress Profile Access for Subscribers

Author: , January 24th, 2020

How To Prevent WordPress from Applying wpautop to a Page or Post

Author: , November 19th, 2019

All credit to Graham Walters for this excellent plugin and post, upon which this post is based – thank you, sir! Recently, a client was having problems using a plugin called by a shortcode. As it turned out, the JavaScript embedded in the returned content was being broken by the WordPress auto-paragraph feature known […]

How To Prevent Vim From Auto-Commenting New Lines

Author: , August 4th, 2019

To prevent vim from added net comments, edit the .vimrc file in your home directory, and add:

How To Disable Adobe Daemons Using launchctl on MacOS

Author: , November 18th, 2018

I installed an old version of Adobe software on my new Mac and as usual, it installed some daemons that are undesirable. Here is how I got rid of them via the Terminal. Note: Adobe installs daemons in the user context, so do this as your regular user login, not as root. shell> launchctl list […]