How To Disable All Automatic WordPress Updates

Author: , April 22nd, 2024

To disable all automatic WordPress updates, just edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following line ABOVE that line, then save and exit:

How To Stop WordPress From Using FTP For Updates Or Asking for FTP Credentials

Author: , April 22nd, 2024

Edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following three lines ABOVE that line, then save and exit:

Be sure to refresh your browser to get the new settings! BONUS To force the use of FTP, change FS_METHOD from direct to ftpext: […]

How To Disable Automatic Updates in WordPress

Author: , September 19th, 2022

To disable automatic updates in WordPress, simply edit the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory and add the following line:

How To Fix WPDataTables Error “You are trying to load a table of an unknown type” in WordPress

Author: , September 7th, 2022

If you get the following error in WordPress when using the WPDataTables plugin, follow these steps to fix it: “You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.” SOLUTION SUMMARY: You must update the plugin files manually, deactivate […]

How To Fix Stuck WordPress Maintenance Mode

Author: , July 8th, 2021

ERROR: Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute CAUSE: WordPress did not complete an action SOLUTION: Either – remove ~/wordpress/.maintenance – edit ~/wordpress/wp-activate.php and set define( ‘WP_INSTALLING’, false );

How To Create WordPress Category Pages in Genesis Including Title and Content

Author: , February 19th, 2021

Create two template files in the wp-content/themes/{themeName}/ subdirectory:



How To Get the Current Page URL in WordPress

Author: , January 5th, 2021

How To get_posts in WordPress with Multiple meta_query Values

Author: , October 13th, 2020

The first query gets all custom publication posts that have a value in field book_seq ordered by book_seq The second query gets all custom publication posts that have no meta value for book_seq or no meta record for key book_seq ordered by post_title.

Great article here:

How To Set WordPress Permissions

Author: , July 11th, 2020

How To Change the Destination Admin Email Address for User-Meta Pro Notifications

Author: , May 11th, 2020