How To Disable All Automatic WordPress Updates

Author: , April 22nd, 2024

To disable all automatic WordPress updates, just edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following line ABOVE that line, then save and exit:

How To Stop WordPress From Using FTP For Updates Or Asking for FTP Credentials

Author: , April 22nd, 2024

Edit your WordPress/wp-config.php file and locate the line that says: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ Add the following three lines ABOVE that line, then save and exit:

Be sure to refresh your browser to get the new settings! BONUS To force the use of FTP, change FS_METHOD from direct to ftpext: […]

How To Use Rsync With An FTP Server

Author: , February 25th, 2012

Prerequisites: curlftpfs and rsync programs must be installed! Create a mount point, then mount the remote directory:

Now rsync the mounted FTP directory to your local directory:

How To Mirror An FTP Server Using wget

Author: , February 25th, 2012

wget -m ftp://login:password@yourServer/the/path/

How To Enable FTP On CentOS

Author: , February 19th, 2011

The Commands

My Custom Settings