How To Solve MySQL GPG Key Errors During yum update

Author: , February 19th, 2022

I went to perform a yum update and got the following error:

SOLUTION: Import the needed new key and manually edit the config files before retrying the yum update.

I had to edit two files: mysql-community-source.repo and mysql-community.repo

For 5.7 – add -2022 to the key name: i.e.: ORIGINAL:


How To Fix “IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes” When Running the aws CLI Command from Perl WWW-REST-Apid

Author: , December 3rd, 2020

Problem While running the aws cli command from a Perl async command inside apid, I go the following error:

Solution The issue turned out to be a bug in Python2.7, so I upgraded to Python3.4, then uninstalled and re-installed the aws cli software so that it used the proper Python34 version. Procedure […]

How To Upgrade Certbot, Python and PIP on AWS Linux 1

Author: , May 6th, 2020

I ran letsencrypt-auto renew and got the following error:

The solution in this article gave me the answer:

Turns out Python was old at version 2.7, so did the following also:

Also had to change the cron job script to call certbot directly instead of letsencrypt-auto : vi /root/

How To Downgrade PIP After Upgrade on Amazon Linux

Author: , March 25th, 2020

I tried upgrading pip when prompted to do so: sudo pip install –upgrade pip This worked, but removed the system install in /usr/bin/pip and replaced it with /usr/local/bin/pip – NOT GOOD! The solution is as follows:

How To Fix Bamboo Start Errors After Java Upgrade

Author: , January 21st, 2020

PROBLEM DEFINITION Bamboo Catalina error found in catalina.out:

SOLUTION SUMMARY Correct by using Java 8 instead. Do it manually using alternatives –set, or interactively using alternatives –config. MANUAL PROCEDURE – two steps, one for java and one for javac

INTERACTIVE PROCEDURE – two steps, one for java and one for javac

How To Upgrade PHP on AWS Linux

Author: , August 22nd, 2019

As root:



Be sure to restart your web server!!

How To Fix YUM Update Errors with Percona GPG Keys

Author: , April 16th, 2019

Problem: Trying to run a yum -y update as root aborts with the following error:

The solution, found on the Percona website, is this: sudo yum update percona-release Source URL:

How To Remove a Package Without the Dependencies (yum/rpm)

Author: , January 9th, 2018

To remove a specific package without its dependencies use rpm:

As always, YMMV!

How To Fix apt-get Errors on Old Ubuntu Hosts

Author: , August 3rd, 2016

As usual, whenever I have to do sysadmin on a Ubuntu-based OS, I find problems. When will people realize what a horrible OS it is? In this case, packages needed were unavailable. For apt-get to function, the file /etc/apt/sources.list must be edited to change all URLs from and to, using the sed […]

How To Install the AWS CLI

Author: , March 29th, 2016 AWS CLI v2


ls -l ~/.aws

cat ~/.aws/config

cat ~/.aws/credentials