How To Upgrade Certbot, Python and PIP on AWS Linux 1

Author: , May 6th, 2020

I ran letsencrypt-auto renew and got the following error:

The solution in this article gave me the answer:

Turns out Python was old at version 2.7, so did the following also:

Also had to change the cron job script to call certbot directly instead of letsencrypt-auto : vi /root/

How To Downgrade PIP After Upgrade on Amazon Linux

Author: , March 25th, 2020

I tried upgrading pip when prompted to do so: sudo pip install –upgrade pip This worked, but removed the system install in /usr/bin/pip and replaced it with /usr/local/bin/pip – NOT GOOD! The solution is as follows:

How To install Boto on Amazon Linux using yum and pip

Author: , August 15th, 2013