How To Fix “IOError: [Errno 10] No child processes” When Running the aws CLI Command from Perl WWW-REST-Apid

Author: , December 3rd, 2020

Problem While running the aws cli command from a Perl async command inside apid, I go the following error:

Solution The issue turned out to be a bug in Python2.7, so I upgraded to Python3.4, then uninstalled and re-installed the aws cli software so that it used the proper Python34 version. Procedure […]

How To Upgrade Certbot, Python and PIP on AWS Linux 1

Author: , May 6th, 2020

I ran letsencrypt-auto renew and got the following error:

The solution in this article gave me the answer:

Turns out Python was old at version 2.7, so did the following also:

Also had to change the cron job script to call certbot directly instead of letsencrypt-auto : vi /root/

How To Install the AWS CLI

Author: , March 29th, 2016 AWS CLI v2


ls -l ~/.aws

cat ~/.aws/config

cat ~/.aws/credentials

How To Fix yum after Python Upgrade

Author: , December 8th, 2015

I upgraded to Python 2.7 and yum promptly broke. The quick fix is to edit the yum executable script and change the top line that invokes Python: sudo vim which yum CHANGE FROM: #!/usr/bin/python TO: #!/usr/bin/python26 UPDATED August 2nd, 2016: On one system, I had to use the following Python 2.4 fix instead, even though […]

How To Use Apache Scalp Log Analyzer to Catch Website Attacks

Author: , August 31st, 2015

Requires Python! Scalp Home Download Scalp: Backup Link: Original (Broken) XML Rules File: Fixed XML Rules File: To Fix the XML file: Replace: (?:all|distinct|[(!@]*)? with (?:all|distinct|[(!@]+)? and: (?i:(\%SYSTEMROOT\%)) with (?:(\%[sS][yY][sS][tT][eE][mM][rR][oO][oO][tT]\%)) Examples:

Current options: exhaustive: Won’t stop at the first pattern matched, but will test all the patterns tough: Will […]

How To install Boto on Amazon Linux using yum and pip

Author: , August 15th, 2013

Another Magical Moment for the Wyzaerd

Author: , January 23rd, 2011

Managed to help a client find and fix the fatal flaw in their application and created a cloud-based infrastructure for them capable of handling heavy load in under one week. Boy, am I tired! Many thanks to the wife for understanding and supporting the workload.