How To Use Apache Scalp Log Analyzer to Catch Website Attacks

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1 2 |
./ -f ./default_filter.xml -o ./scalp-output -l /var/log/httpd_log --html ./ -f ./default_filter.xml -o . -l /var/www/cust1/logs/access.log.1440892800 |
Current options:
exhaustive: Won’t stop at the first pattern matched, but will test all the patterns
tough: Will decode a part of potential attacks (this is done to use better the regexp from PHP-IDS in order to decrease the false-negative rate)
period: Specify a time-frame to look at, all the rest will be ignored
sample: Does a random sampling of the log lines in order to look at a certain percentage, this is useful when the user doesn’t want to do a full scan of all the log, but just ping it to see if there is some problem…
attack: Specify what classes of vulnerabilities the tool will look at (eg, look only for XSS, SQL Injection, etc.)
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shell# ./ --help Scalp the apache log! by Romain Gaucher - usage: ./ [--log|-l log_file] [--filters|-f filter_file] [--period time-frame] [OPTIONS] [--attack a1,a2,..,an] [--sample|-s 4.2] --log |-l: the apache log file './access_log' by default --filters |-f: the filter file './default_filter.xml' by default --exhaustive|-e: will report all type of attacks detected and not stop at the first found --tough |-u: try to decode the potential attack vectors (may increase the examination time) --period |-p: the period must be specified in the same format as in the Apache logs using * as wild-card ex: 04/Apr/2008:15:45;*/Mai/2008 if not specified at the end, the max or min are taken --html |-h: generate an HTML output --xml |-x: generate an XML output --text |-t: generate a simple text output (default) --except |-c: generate a file that contains the non examined logs due to the main regular expression; ill-formed Apache log etc. --attack |-a: specify the list of attacks to look for list: xss, sqli, csrf, dos, dt, spam, id, ref, lfi the list of attacks should not contains spaces and comma separated ex: xss,sqli,lfi,ref --output |-o: specifying the output directory; by default, scalp will try to write in the same directory as the log file --sample |-s: use a random sample of the lines, the number (float in [0,100]) is the percentage, ex: --sample 0.1 for 1/1000 |
Here is a small Perl script as a wrapper around Scalp for when you have multiple VirtualHost entries on your web server, each with different log files (YMMV):
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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Script name: ids use strict; my $webdir = '/var/www'; my $bindir = '/root/scalp'; my @out = `find $webdir -mtime -2 -name "*access*"`; chomp(@out); foreach my $path (@out) { print "$path\n"; my @elements = split(/\//,$path); my $outdir = $elements[3]; print `mkdir -p $bindir/$outdir` unless -d "$bindir/$outdir"; print qx#$bindir/ -f $bindir/default_filter.xml -o "$bindir/$outdir" -l $path#; } |
, default_filter.xml
and the ids
script into the $bindir directory you specified in the ids script.
root@myHost:/root/scalp # ./ids
root@myHost:/root/scalp # for i in find . -name "*txt"
; do vim $i; done
Here is a very crude but effective non-Scalp hit counter I whipped up, which simply gets the raw count of requests per IP address. Remember that each page render can consist of many calls, so be sure to baseline a normal page load quantity before panicking. As always, YMMV…
If you provide an optional space-delimited list of one or more IP addresses to look for on the command line, the script will output a summary of counts per log file for those IP addresses.
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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Script name: ipcnt use strict; our $days = 2; our $quiet = 0; our $webdir = '/volumes/data/www'; while (@ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { $_ = shift; $quiet = 1, next if /^-q$/; $days = shift, next if /^-d$/; $webdir = shift, next if /^-w$/; } die "Webdir $webdir not found" unless -d "$webdir"; $days = 2 unless $days; my %data; my @out = `find $webdir -mtime -$days -name "*access*"`; chomp(@out); my $c = scalar @out; print "Processing $c files...\n"; foreach my $path (@out) { #print "Processing $path...\n"; open(IN, "$path") or die; while (<IN>) { my $ip = (split)[0]; $data{$ip}{'pathcounts'}{$path} ++; $data{$ip}{'count'} ++; } } unless ($quiet) { print "\n\nIP: Count\n\n"; foreach my $ip (sort { $data{$a}{'count'} <=> $data{$b}{'count'} } keys %data) { print qq|$ip: $data{$ip}{count}\n|; } } if (@ARGV) { foreach my $findme (@ARGV) { print "\n\nSearch results for $findme\n\n"; foreach my $path (sort keys %{ $data{$findme}{'pathcounts'} }) { print qq|$path: $data{$findme}{'pathcounts'}{$path}\n|; } } } |
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