Entries Categorized as 'Business'
erics, July 27th, 2013
One of my website clients just won an award: www.uspcs.org! A total of 27 organizations entered into the second annual APS Chapter and Affiliates Web Site Competition in one of three classes–club/society, stamp show, or combination. All were judged in a variety of categories, including content, structure and navigation, visual design, functionality, and interoperability, with […]
Categories: Business, Technology, Wyzaerd Tags: APS, Award, Stamp, Stamps, USPCS, Vermeil
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erics, April 10th, 2013
I work for you and many other clients at the same time. I hold your interests in high regard. Our relationship will be one of honesty and integrity, with best intentions and no deception intended on either side. We will communicate as much as possible so that expectations and goals are clear to both sides. […]
Categories: Business, Rants, Technology Tags: Contract, Modern
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erics, February 2nd, 2013
Public criticism. Pointing out a worker’s mistake in front of others rarely yields a good response. Though some managers think public reproach keeps everyone else from making the same mistake—it usually just makes everyone feel bad. Failing to provide praise. If employees feel like their hard work goes unnoticed, they’ll start to wonder why they’re […]
Categories: Business, Rants Tags:
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erics, August 31st, 2012
Click Here For The Original Article by Geoffrey James (copied without permission) 1. Make negative feedback unusual. When a work environment becomes filled with criticism and complaint, people stop caring, because they know that–whatever they do–they’ll get raked over the coals. “I try to give seven positive reinforcements for every negative comment,” says Dan Cerutti, […]
Categories: Business Tags: Communication, Feedback, Management, Negative, Negative Feedback
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erics, May 24th, 2012
A great article in the Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304192704577404434001058726.html Advice from executives, meeting planners and trainers on productive meetings: Set a clear agenda. Impose a ‘no devices’ rule or schedule periodic tech breaks for email, texts and phone calls. Redirect people back to the agenda when they ramble or digress. Draw out quiet people by […]
Categories: Business Tags: Agenda, Digress, Meeting, Presentation, Productivity, Round robin, Slides, WSJ
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erics, March 16th, 2012
The ASPCA posted another article about my client, WebThriftStore.com today: Donate, Shop and Save (Animals!) with WebThriftStore I am very proud to be working with WebThriftStore, and I hope all of you will visit the site today!
Categories: Business, Wyzaerd Tags: ASPCA, Thjrift, Thrift store, WebThriftStore, WebThriftStore.com
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erics, January 5th, 2012
Categories: Business, Wyzaerd Tags: ASPCA, Charity, Thrift, Thrift store, Web Thrift Store, WebThriftStore.com
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erics, December 11th, 2011
Things sure have been busy! Multiple client projects in parallel always seem to make time go faster. Now that two different websites have been launched, things should calm down a tad. The concept of having weekends off for a while is very attractive. I realized recently that the consulting business has been a crazy ride […]
Categories: Business, Personal, Rants Tags: Business, Cash flow, Clients, Consulting, employment, Full-time, time, Weekends, work
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erics, October 21st, 2011
Today I became the most junior member of the CloudSpring.com and SitePoint.com team of contributing authors. I noticed that CloudSpring was looking for articles about Amazon Web Services, a subject I happen to have some first-hand knowledge of. So, on a whim, I sent an email to the listed contact email and hoped for the […]
Categories: Business, Technology, Wyzaerd Tags: Article, Author, AWS, CloudSpring, cloudspring.com, howto, sitepoint.com, tips, Tutorial
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erics, September 16th, 2011
Yesterday was a very good day… I was contacted by a large corporation about PainMinder, and Naomi finished a very important task at work. So Naomi and I decided to go celebrate at Elements (of course). Justin had the Cube available, so off we went. When we reached Route 206, we saw a huge rainbow […]
Categories: Business, Fine Dining, Nature, PainMinder™, Weather Tags: Autumn, Elements, Full Moon, Moon, PainMinder, Rainbow, Sunset, wife
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