A Spectacular Day

Author: , September 16th, 2011

Yesterday was a very good day… I was contacted by a large corporation about PainMinder, and Naomi finished a very important task at work. So Naomi and I decided to go celebrate at Elements (of course). Justin had the Cube available, so off we went. When we reached Route 206, we saw a huge rainbow […]

SQL Success

Author: , October 17th, 2010

Been working on the PainMinder website, giving it a much-needed refresh. While converting the old PHP-based reports, I decided to improve how I was handing things by letting SQL take care of the entire fetch, instead of using multiple SELECTs. I had not solved the riddle by bedtime last night, but somehow managed to figure […]

PainMinder™ Updated

Author: , December 21st, 2009

Made another report clickable…

TSO at the Izod Center

Author: , December 12th, 2009

The seats were in a very interesting location facing the side of the stage – front row! We saw everything from the side, which had advantages and disadvantages. We did get some great views of the light show and individual performers. The show was the same as last year, which was a bit of a […]

Some work on PainMinder™, some work on YouCake

Author: , December 12th, 2009

For PainMinder™ I found and fixed bugs in the JavaScript appendTime function. Still trying to figure out the bug in IE6 and DDRoundies on the quick page. For YouCake, verified agreement on code direction with Jeremy, now implementing the libraries.

A Glorious Day, and BUSY BUSY BUSY

Author: , December 12th, 2009

Let’s see, where to begin: – Dinner last night from Foodini was wonderful, I am glad we have a freezer-full. Much better than crap pizza or chinese. – Spent time watching all 4 episodes of Babylon 5 Season 5, Disk 3 last night with my beloved wife, then we crashed hard. – Was alerted early […]

Roof Leaking Not Fun

Author: , December 9th, 2009

Woke up this morning to find the roof leaking into our bedroom. Spent quite a bit of time in the dusty attic with mask and gloves pulling up insulation to find the water source. It took three trips into the attic before I could find it. Slow leak. Roof must have been damaged by a […]

Client Visit Today

Author: , December 8th, 2009

Going to visit my health care executive today. First visit in quite a while. Wonder if this relationship will ever amount to anything more than a one-hour computer lesson once in a while. Maybe PainMinder™ will eventually go somewhere, although if Naomi is not using it for a week at a time, then I am […]

Much progress

Author: , November 5th, 2009

Finished basic hardware diagram for Rapida. Transcribed notes and tasks from the day’s scribbles. Finished the PainMinder™ extended user delete section and cleaned up all the test users I had created. Got all of the 20GB of data data copied for a spare LaCie Firewire 800 250GB drive I had lying around. I also copied […]

Feast or Famine

Author: , November 4th, 2009

May I say a big “Thank You” to the Universe for providing me lots of work this month! Went to the project kickoff meeting at Rapida in Brooklyn today. I must now work Thanksgiving weekend to migrate Rapida Payroll to new outsourced provider. That is in just 3 weeks. Lot to do in a short […]