Busy Saturday, Too!

Author: , July 10th, 2010

Been trying to keep up with the various client demands. Did some work for Dora Rings this morning, fixing the Omnia site’s collection images. Now doing the Princeton Amish market coupons, waiting for Naomi to get back from chiro and shopping. Our friends from CT are coming to visit this afternoon and I am rushing […]

A Bit of Rest

Author: , July 3rd, 2010

Was able to finish the Dora Rings store locator site in 5 hours. I have definitely made vast improvements in my coding skills. Naomi needs TLC and rest this weekend, so I encouraged her to sit in the sun while I went out to run errands. Picked up bagels, and then went to the bakery. […]


Author: , June 23rd, 2010

What a busy day. Rolled out of bed and started working on YouCake. Was at KB&R by 10am. Did the monthly Clinton Group maintenance, met with Matt at KB&R to review user interface design, and added a second display to an iMac there. Got home and worked on the YouCake code. Resolved some issues there. […]

Tuesday morning, June 22nd, 2010

Author: , June 22nd, 2010

Could not think of a good title for this morning’s post. Heading to Dora Rings for a meeting. I wish they would not waste half my day with this nonsense. Hopefully they will give me enough project work to justify the time spent – one hour each way plus 2-3 hours of meeting time. Yuk. […]

The Start of Summer

Author: , June 21st, 2010

Going to be a busy day and a busy week. Oh, and temperatures will be in the upper 80’s/lower 90’s all week. Today James is coming at 9am to continue working on the basement repairs. The septic guy is coming to quote me on lowering the tank lid. Working on the YouCake project with Jeremy. […]

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Author: , March 13th, 2010

Well, I do not know if it is making me healthy, wealthy and wise as Benjamin Franklin would say, but I am back at work early after crashing early from food coma. Got email from Dora rings old web vendor in Australia at 1am with files to be installed…putting them into place right now. Set […]

Busy Day Ahead

Author: , February 8th, 2010

Have errands to run in the morning, then off to finish the job I started on Friday for a friend. Drop off at the dry cleaners, then home to order printer supplies, a backdrop with stand and more lights for Wicked Faire vending. Must finish getting the Dora domains transferred. Then, finally, I can get […]

Another Busy Day, Snow On The Way

Author: , February 5th, 2010

Worked on friend’s systems this morning, ran around to bank, gas and carwash, then came back and got flowers for Naomi. Came home, banged out the Dora project, billed for it, spoke to the patent engineer, helped Jeremy pick out new hardware, worked out new project’s DB schema, payed bills, had dinner with my lovely […]

A Slow Day

Author: , January 31st, 2010

Spent the day with Naomi, and trying to catch up a bit. Got bills payed, and worked on the Dora migration a bit more. Did some more YouCake stuff, but was having a hard time troubleshooting, so I stopped. Time to crash soon.

A Glorious Day, and BUSY BUSY BUSY

Author: , December 12th, 2009

Let’s see, where to begin: – Dinner last night from Foodini was wonderful, I am glad we have a freezer-full. Much better than crap pizza or chinese. – Spent time watching all 4 episodes of Babylon 5 Season 5, Disk 3 last night with my beloved wife, then we crashed hard. – Was alerted early […]