How To Fix Mouse Scrolls the Command Line History Instead of the Window Buffer in Terminal

Author: , May 23rd, 2023

In the macOS Terminal, my mouse scroll wheel would magically start scrolling the command line history instead of the window buffer scroll bar on the right to show window history. This happened when an SSH session was disconnected or timed out. The fix is to run the reset command.

How To Restart a Hung Top Menu Bar in MacOS

Author: , April 23rd, 2021

Ever get the spinning beachball when trying to access the top menu on your Mac? SOLUTIONS Use the GUI Open the Activity Monitor application Select All Processes from the View menu Click on the SystemUIServer process, then click Force Quit. ~or~ Via CLI In Terminal, execute killall SystemUIServer

How To Extract Time Machine Logs Via Terminal

Author: , November 2nd, 2020

How To Stop MacOS Terminal From Freezing Upon Text Select

Author: , October 29th, 2020

First quit Mail, if open. In Terminal, enter the following to disable the Data Detectors which could be responsible for the hang:

How To Re-Install MacOS

Author: , October 11th, 2020

Format the new USB flash drive as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and label it “MyVolume” Click the Mojave Download Link: Download the installer package from the App store – it will land in the main /Applications folder. Open Terminal and run:

Full article at Apple Support “How to create a bootable installer for […]

How To Update a WordPress Plugin Manually Using rsync

Author: , January 24th, 2020

If you are unable to update a plugin via the WP admin console, then you can do the update manually. Download the zip file to your local hard drive and extract it. Then, from the command line, do the test run first:

*Make sure to use the trailing slashes with rsync for proper operation […]

How To Remove the MacOS Quarantine Extended File Attribute for an Entire Directory Tree

Author: , November 24th, 2019

xattr -r -d {dirname} ~or~ xattr -r -d *

How To Read Multiple Lines of User Input from the Command Line in Perl

Author: , October 9th, 2019

Use Case: Export Apple Reminders from MacOS application to cleaned plain text, i.e. remove unwanted spaces, blank lines and square brackets PROCEDURE Click on a single item in the MacOS Reminders app list Select All (either Command-a or use Edit->Select All) Copy (either Command-c or use Edit->Copy) Open Terminal Run cleanme Paste the copied reminders […]

How To Force csshX To Tile In Columns

Author: , May 28th, 2019

I use csshX on a daily basis. The default layout on my screen for three nodes is one column with three rows, one per node. This layout is excellent for visual positioning, but does make it harder to read long output. For this purpose, I start csshX using the column quantity specifier -x and I […]

How To Enable Opening a Terminal Window from the Current Finder Location in MacOS

Author: , February 16th, 2019

As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal provides Services for opening a new terminal window or tab at the selected folder in Finder. They also work with absolute pathnames selected in text (in any application). You can enable these services with System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services. Look for “New Terminal […]