erics, July 8th, 2012
Another in a long line of betrayals, the Obamacare program boosts taxes and reduces your ability to take care of your family, to the tune of $250 BILLION over the next ten years. How nice of Obama and his cronies to steal that much money ($25 billion per year) from the American public: Below […]
Categories: Health Issues, Politics, Rants Tags: Health Care, Obamacare, Taxes
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erics, May 29th, 2010
Did you ever get back a larger tax refund than you filed for? We just did. Sort of read the notice in shock that they adjusted our refund higher. YAY!!!
Categories: Finance Tags: Taxes
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erics, April 19th, 2010
Wanted to get them mailed out long before the May 11th deadline, since we are getting money back! AWESOME! Naomi and I were both a tad surprised that we were getting a refund, and quite pleased too! I found a different post office to visit today. Our usual one is crowded, with a terrible parking […]
Categories: Finance Tags: Azaleas, Post office, Taxes, USPS
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erics, April 19th, 2010
NJ-2010-32, April 5, 2010 New Jersey — Victims of severe storms, flooding, mudslides and landslides beginning March 12 in New Jersey may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service. The President has declared Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, Essex, Gloucester, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, and Union counties federal disaster areas qualifying for […]
Categories: Finance Tags: Taxes
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erics, April 18th, 2010
Just met with our accountant. We are actually getting a REFUND this year! Huzzah!
Categories: Finance Tags: Accountant, Refund, Taxes
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erics, April 18th, 2010
I rotated my desk today so that the worn-out parts are no longer under my hands. I spend so much time at the desk that the surface wears out. Also cleaned up and re-arranged the desktop stuff. Much more productive layout. Our accountant is coming at 3pm to go over taxes. We got a filing […]
Categories: Business, Domestic God, Health Issues Tags: Allergies, Spring, Spring cleaning, Taxes
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erics, March 21st, 2010
Spent a lovely day with my wife yesterday celebrating the first day of spring. As is tradition around here, I did a basic cleaning of our Weber barbeque grill and made the first hamburgers of the season outside. They were great! Made some drinks and sat outside for the whole afternoon. I learned that the […]
Categories: Weather, What?, Wyzaerd Tags: Spring, Taxes
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erics, February 4th, 2010
Visited a friend today who is in deep doo-doo with back-taxes. Was a scary sight, indeed, and my heart goes out to them. Another family ruined by big brother.
Categories: Personal Tags: Taxes
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