How To Upgrade MySQL to 8.0 on CentOS/AWS Linux

Author: , August 31st, 2023

START: Server version: 5.7.43-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) FINISH: Server version: 8.0.34-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) Check and veify your my.cnf ssl entries if you see the following error in the /var/log/mysqld.log file at startup:

How To Upgrade MySQL to 5.7 on CentOS/AWS Linux

Author: , December 7th, 2017

START: Server version: 5.5.54-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) FINISH: Server version: 5.7.20-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

If you do not restart MySQL server at the end, you will get this error:

Check and veify your my.cnf ssl entries if you see the following error in the /var/log/mysqld.log file at startup: