How To Configure GIT To Push The Current Branch Only

Author: , March 16th, 2021

Recent changes to git have made the push default choice a bit confusing – “matching” vs. “simple” I picked “matching” when prompted. This means that git push by itself will try to push ALL local branches, not just the one you are working on. Personally, I find that a bit mad, so I decided to […]

How to Manage Remote Branches in Git

Author: , October 19th, 2017

Git does not download all branches unless you tell it to. Until then, they are ‘remote’ branches. Use -r to list remote branches: git branch -r git fetch –all git pull –all If you see this error: fatal: The current branch CT-37 has no upstream branch. Push the current branch and set the remote as […]

How To Delete a Branch from a Remote Repo in GIT

Author: , November 21st, 2012

Do it locally:

Deleted branch yourBranchName (was 340c10d). Do it remotely, and please note the : below! (replace origin with your repo, if different)

To – [deleted] yourBranchName