Flora and Fauna Enjoying Spring Sunshine

Author: , March 22nd, 2011

Dinner Guests, Old and New, Snow So Blew

Author: , January 11th, 2011

Tonight we had two guests for dinner, one old and one new. Due to the inclement weather, a friend is staying over tonight and joined us for Harold’s take-out. Our new guest was of the four-footed variety: a new feral cat appeared at our door! A mostly-black long-hair with a white nose, seemed to be […]

Freaky Feline

Author: , August 1st, 2010

It is five after five and our alarm clock cat has arrived right on schedule.

A Busy Friday

Author: , June 18th, 2010

Naomi is WFH today because she is not feeling well still. My teeth are still paining me – must get to the dentist. Saw a deer eating in the backyard this morning, and last night Naomi spotted a gopher. One of the feral cats, nicknamed “Mr. Sniffles”, has taken up residence on our deck. He […]

A Glorious Day

Author: , June 7th, 2010

The humidity is gone for now. The sun is shining and the temperature is under 70 degrees. Lovely! Deer in the backyard grazing, coffee in hand and a clear direction for the week’s work. Had to toss the cat on the porch at 4am due to her incessant yowling. Did manage to get some sleep […]


Author: , March 12th, 2010

Ran around and did the required visits. Code is moving very well. Made some refinements and cleaned up stuff I missed at 3am. Should be able to be ready for Monday morning 10am meeting. Very much looking forward to Ninety Acres reservations at 5:30pm tonight to kickoff our 5th wedding anniversary weekend.

Feeling much better

Author: , December 23rd, 2009

Today my cousin Amy is coming to visit at noon. She is an artist and makes pottery. I will photograph her collection, and talk to her about a website. The house is a bit messy, so I have been cleaning and setting up all morning. Then I have to take Naomi to the doctor to […]


Author: , November 3rd, 2009

Up at 8. Phone ringing already. I was so exhausted from the day’s efforts yesterday that Naomi put me to bed and I just passed out. Need to get all conf call notes written up and sent out this morning. Hopefully today will be a bit easier. Tomorrow must drive to Brooklyn to start the new […]