How To Enable SSH Login From OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 to macOS Ventura 13.3.1

Author: , May 19th, 2023

I was unable to login from my old iMac running Yosemite to my new iMac running Ventura using RSA keys. It turns out that RSA key support was disabled in Ventura. To correct the problem, I added the following two lines to the bottom of BOTH /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the Ventura side:

Be […]

How To Fix “iCloud Account Could Not Be Removed” Error on OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

Author: , November 24th, 2022

PROBLEM: Unable to sign out of iCloud on OSX Yosemite or disable Keychain SOLUTION: Delete the following, then reboot:

How To Install a .pkg file from the Command Line on MacOSX

Author: , August 12th, 2016

sudo /usr/sbin/installer -pkg /path/to/yourFile.pkg -target /

How To Show All Files in MacOSX Yosemite via Terminal

Author: , October 29th, 2014

SET THE DEFAULT TO SHOW Run this command in a Terminal window: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Relaunch Finder: Hold down the Option/ALT key on your keyboard, then right-click the Finder icon in the dock and select Relaunch. SET THE DEFAULT TO HIDE defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO then relaunch finder as above.

How To Fix Safari Crashing in MacOSX

Author: , November 18th, 2013


/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/PubSub/Database/Database.sqlite3 vacuum

How To Remove 802.1X Profiles in MacOSX Lion

Author: , August 22nd, 2013

In Terminal:

Then reboot. YMMV… This is why I am so upset with Apple these days – they constantly “dumb-down” MacOSX, removing features to “protect” the innocent public from harming themselves with the click of a mouse. Perfectly reasonable advanced features that existed in 10.6.8 are no-where to be found in 10.7 Lion (bad) […]

How To Keep SSH Alive In MacOSX Lion Terminal Sessions

Author: , May 24th, 2012

Apple’s 10.7 Lion, is NOT my favorite iteration of MacOSX. They continue to make the OS more Windows-like, which means they have started down that slippery slope… In Snow Leopard, I could have my ssh sessions running for weeks. In Lion, the ssh sessions time out with nasty errors, including “Write failed: Broken pipe”. After […]