How To Fix aws Command Error “You must specify a region”

Author: , July 29th, 2021

I was getting error “You must specify a region” when running any aws CLI command. The fix: Using the aws command:

which will automatically add the following to the file ~/.aws/config:

You many simply edit the ~/.aws/config file yourself and append the same thing:

How To List Running AWS Instances in all Regions Sorted by LaunchTime and Email in a Monospaced Font

Author: , July 1st, 2019

How To Find the AWS Region and Availability Zone Via the CLI

Author: , June 30th, 2015

/opt/aws/bin/ec2-metadata | grep placement

Amazon Offers New Options for Disaster Recovery Operations

Author: , December 18th, 2012

Today AWS announced the ability to copy EBS snapshots to other regions, with the ability to copy AMIs coming soon. This is a HUGE improvement, and one that will allow IT architects to create automated DR solutions across AWS regions providing significant resilience against outages. Dear Amazon EC2 Customer, We are delighted to announce the […]