How To Allow AWS IAM Users EBS Snapshot Create And Delete Access

Author: , July 29th, 2021

SUMMARY: Needed to create an AWS IAM Policy to allow a user access to create and delete EBS snapshots. This script also needed to be able to list volumes:

How To Clean Up Lost Disk Space in MacOS High Sierra

Author: , October 12th, 2017

Reposted from The new APFS creates snapshots during local Time Machine backups, and this can mean, especially if you’be been dealing with some large files, that when you delete them and empty the wastebasket, you don’t get your disk space back. The key is to look at your local backups, and the easiest method […]

How To Resize an ext3 Filesystem

Author: , August 31st, 2014

I had to replace an ailing root volume on AWS, so I decided to double the size when I created the new volume from snapshot. After booting, I realized that df still showed the old filesystem size of 10GB, not the new size of 20GB Here is the solution: resize2fs /dev/xvda1

Amazon Offers New Options for Disaster Recovery Operations

Author: , December 18th, 2012

Today AWS announced the ability to copy EBS snapshots to other regions, with the ability to copy AMIs coming soon. This is a HUGE improvement, and one that will allow IT architects to create automated DR solutions across AWS regions providing significant resilience against outages. Dear Amazon EC2 Customer, We are delighted to announce the […]

How To Install ec2-consistent-snapshot On AWS/CentOS

Author: , December 30th, 2011

How To Create A New AWS Instance From A Snapshot

Author: , August 16th, 2011

Be sure to create regular snapshots of your running instances. If you lose an instance, recover quickly with this procedure. I suggest that you use Elastic IP addresses to make the migration DNS-free. STEP 1: First, setup your environment properly

STEP 2: Create an AMI linked to the snapshot % ec2-register -n YOUR-AMI-NAME -d […]