Entries from August 2019

10 Reasons Why Tungsten Clustering Beats the DIY Approach for Geo-Distributed MySQL Deployments

Author: , August 29th, 2019

Why does the DIY approach fail to deliver vs. the Tungsten Clustering solution for geo-distributed MySQL multimaster deployments? Before we dive into the 10 reasons, note why commercially-supported enterprise software is less risky and in fact less costly.

Zero-Downtime Cluster Maintenance: Comparing the Procedures for Upgrades versus DB/OS Maintenance

Author: , August 26th, 2019

Zero-Downtime Cluster Maintenance: Comparing the Procedures for Upgrades versus DB/OS Maintenance

How To Upgrade PHP on AWS Linux

Author: , August 22nd, 2019

As root:



Be sure to restart your web server!!

How to use Round-Robin Load Balancing with the Tungsten Connector

Author: , August 8th, 2019

The power of Tungsten Clustering for MySQL / MariaDB is its built-in intelligent MySQL proxy, known as the Tungsten Connector. The Connector has built-in read-write splitting capabilities, and it is also possible to configure different algorithms which select the appropriate slave (i.e. Round-Robin or Lowest-Latency).

Enabling Autorecovery for the Tungsten Replicator

Author: , August 7th, 2019

The replicator is a critical piece of the Tungsten Clustering solution for MySQL / MariaDB, as well as its own stand-alone data replication product. Automatic recovery enables the replicator to go back online in the event of a transient failure. In this blog, we discuss how to enable Autorecovery.

How To Prevent Vim From Auto-Commenting New Lines

Author: , August 4th, 2019

To prevent vim from added net comments, edit the .vimrc file in your home directory, and add:

How To Enable Variable References in Perl While Using Strict

Author: , August 4th, 2019

I wanted to call a sub-routine based on a variable in Perl, like this:

but it failed because of use strict:

To enable using a variable as a reference, simply specify that to Perl:

How To Print Matching Line and All After Using awk

Author: , August 1st, 2019

Every time I use awk, my respect for it grows! Like grep, find and rsync, it is one of the powerhouse command-line tools in my arsenal. Recently, I needed to list all MySQL binary log files from a starting file forwards in sequence. AWK to the rescue! For example, I knew the starting file was […]