How To Fix rsync Packet Corrupt Errors

Author: , May 10th, 2019

I was getting rsync errors from one source host:

Finally tracked it down to the application “Little Snitch”. Needed to fully uninstall it and reboot to get the problem solved.

How To Enable Opening a Terminal Window from the Current Finder Location in MacOS

Author: , February 16th, 2019

As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal provides Services for opening a new terminal window or tab at the selected folder in Finder. They also work with absolute pathnames selected in text (in any application). You can enable these services with System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services. Look for “New Terminal […]

How To Obtain a Public Key from an AWS .pem Private Key on Linux and Mac

Author: , February 4th, 2019

Use the ssh-keygen command on a computer to which you’ve downloaded your private key .pem file; for example: First, ensure permissions will allow ssh-keygen to work: chmod 600 /path/to/the/file/your-key-pair.pem Then generate an RSA public key: ssh-keygen -y -f /path/to/the/file/your-key-pair.pem >

How To Disable Adobe Daemons Using launchctl on MacOS

Author: , November 18th, 2018

I installed an old version of Adobe software on my new Mac and as usual, it installed some daemons that are undesirable. Here is how I got rid of them via the Terminal. Note: Adobe installs daemons in the user context, so do this as your regular user login, not as root. shell> launchctl list […]

How To Fix MacOSX Yosemite 10.10 Memory Leaks via SMC and PRAM Resets

Author: , January 4th, 2018

I was running out of memory constantly on Yosemite 10.10.5 and found the following article: Edited and reposted without permission below… Disconnect any external or secondary monitors, if any is present. The video memory allocation leak can also happen if you have a system with an integrated card, like Intel, with no external monitors […]

How To Associate All Log Files with MacVim

Author: , April 12th, 2017

You can associate a file extension with an app (such as MacVim) via the “Info dialog”. Just select the file and hit Cmd-i, then go to the “Open with” tab, select app and hit “Change all…”. This will change the default application for that file type.

How To Find the Grab Hand Move Tool in Preview

Author: , April 11th, 2017

Press Option+Space and the cursor will change to the grab hand move tool. Roll your mouse wheel for vertical scrolling, hold down shift to switch to horizontal scroll mode.

How To Reduce the Size of a PDF Using Ghostscript

Author: , February 4th, 2017

Make sure you have Ghostscript installed, then:

-dPDFSETTINGS={value} where {value} is one of: /screen – the lowest resolution and lowest file size, fine for viewing on a screen /ebook – mid-range resolution and file size /printer – high-quality setting used for printing PDFs /prepress – high-quality setting used for printing PDFs As always, YMMV…

How To Send Email From the Command Line on MacOSX 10.10.5 Yosemite

Author: , January 29th, 2017

I wanted to send email from cron for various reasons, but the emails would bounce with an error 554: 554 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected: Domain not found Clearly, Postfix was using the “internal” hostname of myappledesktop.local (MacOSX has TWO hostnames! also, myappledesktop.local is not the real hostname ;-). So, I needed two things: 1. […]

How To Fix Safari Using https instead of http

Author: , September 30th, 2016

For the Mac, you need to do three things in a row: 1. Quit Safari 2. Delete ~/Library/Cookies/HSTS.plist 3. Reboot